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AquaCal AutoPilot Authorized Dealer Agreement

Please fill out the dealer agreement to have your company listed in the AquaCal® AutoPilot® Dealer Locator

AquaCal® AutoPilot® Authorized Dealer Agreement

The purpose of this agreement is to identify and, where appropriate, quantify the various aspects of a business arrangement between the following manufacturer (M) and Dealer/Internet retailer (D):

(M) Manufacturer

2737 24 Street North
St. Petersburg, Florida 33713

(D) Dealer/Internet Retailer

(Needed for Online Dealer Locator, please check all that apply)

By completing this agreement, you grant us permission to communicate with you through email, including program updates, product notifications and promotions. Email addresses will NOT be shared with any other vendors.

(D) Dealer/Internet Retailer - Additional Location


(D) Dealer/Internet Retailer - Additional Location


(D) Dealer/Internet Retailer - Additional Location


Terms and Conditions

1. PRODUCT LINE AND PROGRAMS: M agrees that all parts of its product line are available to D provided D has signed and returned this
agreement to M. Water source units may require additional qualifications.

M reserves the right to add, modify or delete any of the rules, conditions, benefits, or awards pertaining to any promotional, rebate, or discount program at
its sole discretion without notice.

D agrees to maintain adequate inventory, provide appropriate "First Call" warranty & back-up service on all products sold which are made by M. Factory
support is available after the first call process is complete.

2. GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGE: Both parties agree that this agreement reflects their mutual relationship only within the United States. D
agrees not to sell or ship outside USA. International business must be referred to M.

3. TRAINING: D agrees to make themselves available for at least two hours of product training, annually.

4. SALES & MARKETING: D agrees to make the following efforts to promote:
• Make sales presentations consistent with M's claims of performance on sales literature and not exaggerate any performance claims.
• Offer product sizing assistance to customers based on M's formulas & recommendations
• Offer "first call" support service to all customers to evaluate installation or performance problems
Marketing programs such as the Key Dealer and Co-op program will only be available to Authorized Dealers.

5. DEALER MINIMUM ALLOWABLE ADVERTISED PRICE POLICY (MAAP): D agrees to fully comply with "Minimum Allowable Advertised Price" policy as follows:
• No printed marketing/sales flyers, or Internet websites controlled by D will offer written pricing to the public below set MAAP prices. See the current MSRP and MAAP section for our basic product line.
• Advertised Price is defined as any published price on marketing or advertising pieces as well as any reference to price on a website or automatically generated email price quotes. This policy also applies to any prices listed on auction or shopping sites. Examples include, but are not limited to,,,, etc.
• The second violation of the MAAP policy may exclude D from this program.
• See the MSRP and MAAP section for a current price list of our basic product line.

6. DEALER LISTING: Authorized Dealers will be listed on the AquaCal® and AutoPilot® websites under a Dealer Locator for consumers to access.

7. AUTHORIZED DEALER WARRANTIES: Warranties are only available to Authorized Dealers who sign and comply with this agreement:

Authorized AquaCal® 
• ALL HEAT PUMPS - 2 years parts; 2 years labor

Unauthorized AquaCal® Dealer:
• ALL HEAT PUMPS - No warranty

Authorized AutoPilot® Dealer:
• 3 years parts and labor

Authorized AutoPilot® Dealer:
• 2 years or 8,000 hours (whichever comes first) parts and labor
**The Pool Pilot Eco Nano model strictly carries a 1 year parts only warranty, for Authorized Dealers.

Unauthorized AutoPilot® Dealer:
• No warranty

For the most up-to-date warranty information, please refer to our website.

8. CANCELLATION: Should M decide to cancel D as Dealer, 30 day written notice shall be given in advance, unless Local, State or National laws preclude such action. Such notice shall be provided in writing by "Registered Mail" to last known address of D.
In event of cancellation, M or local Distributor of M agrees to purchase all original stock (not used and in original packing material) at original cost from D and settle account within 60 days. D agrees to remove all reference to M's products from Internet websites or other marketing materials and return any sales materials in their possession within 30 days.
NOTE: Freight for returned goods will be prepaid by D. If D had purchased stocks from local AquaCal®/AutoPilot® Distributor, product can be returned to same source where originally purchased. No restocking charge will be applied.

9. BINDING ARBITRATION CLAUSE: Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Any such action shall take place in Pinellas County, Florida. The laws of the State of Florida shall prevail.

10. CREDIT TERMS: In consideration for extension of credit, purchaser agrees to the terms of sale shown on each invoice. Purchaser
understands accounts with past due balances are automatically C.O.D. and future orders require an additional payment (minimum 20% of order total) which is applied towards the balance due. Accounts not paid according to terms bear interest thereafter at 18% per annum and all costs of collection, including attorneys' fees, are the obligation of the customer. Payment for C.O.D. accounts is expected at time of sale.

11. LENGTH OF THIS AGREEMENT: This agreement shall be in effect for two years. It shall automatically renew each year thereafter unless either party desires to revise or review. Any such desire to renegotiate shall be provided in writing 30 days prior to renewal date.

MAAP Pricing as of 2-1-2025

SQ125 HeatWave SuperQuiet SQ125 $7,417 $5,080
SQ120R HeatWave SuperQuiet SQ120 IceBreaker $8,172 $5,598
SQ140R HeatWave SuperQuiet SQ140 IceBreaker $6,593 $4,576
SQ145 HeatWave SuperQuiet SQ145 $8,172 $5,598
SQ160R HeatWave SuperQuiet SQ160 IceBreaker $7,321 $5,081
SQ166R HeatWave SuperQuiet SQ166 IceBreaker $9,416 $6,450
SQ200R HeatWave SuperQuiet SQ200 IceBreaker $9,416 $6,450
SQ225 HeatWave SuperQuiet SQ225 $9,416 $6,450
T30 TropiCal T30 $4,085 $2,835
T55 TropiCal T55 $4,579 $3,178
T75 TropiCal T75 $5,128 $3,559
T90 TropiCal T90 $5,976 $4,147
T115 TropiCal T115 $6,593 $4,576
T135 TropiCal T135 $7,321 $5,081
T135R TropiCal T135R (heat and cool) $7,818 $5,426
TC500 TropiCool TC500 - Chiller $5,128 $3,559
TC1000 TropiCool TC1000 - Chiller $6,593 $4,576
TC1500 TropiCool TC1500 - Chiller $7,383 $5,124
GBB Great Big Bopper $51,804 $51,804
WS03 Water Source WS03 208-230V/60 Hz/1 ph Ti/Ti $6,499 $6,499
WS03 Water Source WS03 208-230V/60 Hz/1 ph w/ copper plumbing Cu/Ti $6,748 $6,748
WS05 Water Source WS05 208-230V/60 Hz/1 ph Ti/Ti $8,782 $8,782
WS05 Water Source WS05 208-230V/60 Hz/1 ph w/ copper plumbing Cu/Ti $9,031 $9,031
WS05 Water Source WS05 208-230V/60 Hz/3 ph Ti/Ti $9,836 $9,836
WS05 Water Source WS05 208-230V/60 Hz/3 ph w/ copper plumbing Cu/Ti $10,085 $10,085
WS05 Water Source WS05 460V/60 Hz/3 ph Ti/Ti $9,836 $9,836
WS05 Water Source WS05 460V/60 Hz/3 ph w/ copper plumbing Cu/Ti $10,085 $10,085
WS10 Water Source WS10 208-230V/60 Hz/3 ph Ti/Ti $21,411 $21,411
WS10 Water Source WS10 208-230V/60 Hz/3 ph w/ copper plumbing Cu/Ti $21,910 $21,910
WS10 Water Source WS10 460V/60 Hz/3 ph Ti/Ti $21,411 $21,411
WS10 Water Source WS10 460V/60 Hz/3 ph w/ copper plumbing Cu/Ti $21,910 $21,910
SP05 SunPower SP05 with installation kit $9,533 $9,533
DN1 Digital Nano 115v with PPM1 Manifold $1,654 $1,226
DN2 Digital Nano 220v with PPM1 Manifold $1,654 $1,226
DNP1 Digital Nano+ 115v with PPM2 Manifold $1,750 $1,296
DNP2 Digital Nano+ 220v with PPM2 Manifold $1,750 $1,296
Power Supplies when purchased with Cell or Manifold Assembly ONLY MSRP MAAP
DIG-220 Digital Power Supply complete $1,388 $987
Cell/Manifold Assemblies MSRP MAAP
94115C Manifold with single CC-15 Cell and Base $2,515 $1,734
PPM5 Manifold with single PPC5 Cell and Base $2,515 $1,734
94113 Manifold with RC-52 (SC-60) Cell and Base $2,024 $1,396
PPM4 Manifold with PPC4 Cell and Base $2,024 $1,396
94107 Manifold with RC-42 (SC-48) Cell and Base $1,538 $1,061
PPM3 Manifold with PPC3 Cell and Base $1,538 $1,061
94105 Manifold with RC-35/22 (SC-36) Cell and Base $1,141 $787
PPM1 Manifold with PPC1 Cell and Base $1,141 $787
941-215C-A 2 Cell / 2 Trisensor manifold assem. $4,852 $3,345
PS0001 PoolSync Wireless Controller $245 $250
ECA0343 PoolSync Wireless Controller $245 $250
RLC0001 PoolSync Relay Center (enclosure + HP9 expansion board+ 2 Relays) $504 $373
RCL0002 PoolSync Relay Center (enclosure + HP11 expansion board+ 2 Relays) $541 $401
ECP0312 ChlorSync Power Center $287 $212
CS30 ChlorSync Cell - up to 30,000 gallon pool $1,448 $1,073
CS40 ChlorSync Cell - up to 40,000 gallon pool $1,939 $1,437
CS50 ChlorSync Cell - up to 50,000 gallon pool $2,209 $1,637
CPB0001A ChlorSync Gen II + PPM1 Manifold - up to 30,000 gallon pool $1,858 $1,377
CPB0003A ChlorSync Gen II + PPM3 Manifold - up to 40,000 gallon pool $2,131 $1,579
CPB0004A ChlorSync Gen II + PPM4 Manifold - up to 50,000 gallon pool $2,616 $1,939
CPB0005A ChlorSync Gen II + PPM5 Manifold - up to 70,000 gallon pool $3,108 $2,303
PCR0002A Replacement ChlorSync Gen II Power Center 230/115V Side Display $1,351 $999
PCR0002J Replacement ChlorSync Gen II Power Center 115V Side Display (Corded) $1,351 $999
CHM0001 ChemSync Water Chemistry Controller $2,755 $1,921
ECA0486 ChemSync Water Chemistry Controller $2,755 $1,921
APA0121 Bundle (1) DIG-220 + (1) PPM5 $4,575 $3,390
APA0122 Bundle (2) DIG-220 + (1) 941-215C-A $8,972 $6,648
APA0123 Bundle (1) DIG-220 + (1) PPC5MF + (1) PLA0046 $4,517 $3,347
PPC1 PPC1 Replacement Cell w/ Unions $1,053 $411
PPC2 PPC2 Replacement Cell w/ Unions $1,571 $617
PPC3 PPC3 Replacement Cell w/ Unions $1,571 $617
PPC4 PPC4 Replacement Cell w/ Unions $2,242 $823
PPC5 PPC5 Replacement Commercial Cell for single cell manifold $3,277 $1,338
PPC5MF PPC5 Commercial Cell w/19069 Union for multiple cell manifold $3,277 $1,338
942-5NF RC-5 Cell In-Line Only w/o Flow Switch Banana Plug $1,059 $411
PRO2US Professional with 2 power supplies & 2 Comm. Cell Manifold $13,489 $9,297
PRO3US Professional with 3 power supplies & 3 Comm. Cell Manifold $16,873 $11,629
PRO4US Professional with 4 power supplies & 4 Comm. Cell Manifold $20,309 $13,997
PRO5US Professional with 5 power supplies & 5 Comm. Cell Manifold $23,793 $16,398
PRO6US Professional with 6 power supplies & 6 Comm. Cell Manifold $27,117 $18,689
PRO2US-CONV Professional with 2 power modules, 2 Comm. Convection Cells, Tri-sensor Assy $15,517 $10,694
PRO3US-CONV Professional Convection with 3 power modules, 3 Comm. Convection Cells, Tri-sensor Assy $19,536 $13,464
PRO4US-CONV Professional Convection with 4 power modules, 4 Comm. Convection Cells, Tri-sensor Assy $23,575 $16,248
PRO5US-CONV Professional Convection with 5 power modules, 5 Comm. Convection Cells, Tri-sensor Assy $27,635 $19,046
PRO6US-CONV Professional Convection with 6 power modules, 6 Comm. Convection Cells, Tri-sensor Assy $31,585 $21,768
AC1000P 100-240V, 50-60Hz Rechargeable Cordless Pool Cleaner $850 $599
To download a PDF of the current MAAP pricing, please click here

MSRP prices subject to change without notice. Please contact the factory to verify current pricing.

Dealer/Internet Retailer Signature

Manufacturer Signature

Manufacturer Name
AquaCal AutoPilot, Inc.
Don Detwiler

Vice President of Sales

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